Tuesday, August 16, 2011

AHHHH It's TIme!!!!!

Oh my goodness......I cannot believe that the day is finally here! A short two months ago I first accepted a first grade position in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. After signing and sending my contract off I thought the time would drag by but it has been the complete opposite. Since the day I knew I was moving to Tanzania the days have flown by and time passed by an at accelerated rate.

The past few weeks have been filled with a lot of good memories. I have said farewell to many many good friends. Times like these truly remind me how blessed I am and lucky to have each and everyone of you in my life! I have received so many "well wishes" and "good lucks" and a few "Are you crazies?!?" It has been hard to say farewell to so many people even though I will be back for a visit in 4 short months! I am dreading tomorrow yet so excited for it.....tomorrow is the day that I say farewell to my family, specifically Karrlee! This is going to be really tough and I hope she understands. I know it will be hard for her to understand why I am leaving, but I do hope that someday she understands that I have had this dream for a while and now get the chance to fulfill that dream.

My parents always told me to reach for the moon and even if I didn't reach it I would land among the stars! I am really blessed to have parents that love and support me even when my dreams and goals take me half a world away. I know my mom will miss me like crazy and her life will now be different without me living near but she wouldn't have it any other way because I am following my dreams and am truly happy with where my life is taking me!

Tomorrow will be a long and exhausting day for Shannon and I. We have a total of 3 flights that add up to 20 hours of flying time. We will arrive in Dar es Salaam at approximately 1:30 pm there which is only 6:30 am here in Kentucky! Hello jetlag!!

I will try and update my blog quite regularly once I arrive but power outages and power rations can happen often. Therefore when I have access I will update!

I also want to wish all of my friends whose first day of teaching is tomorrow, Good Luck!!

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