Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Turkey Day

What a week it has been here in Dar. My week began by seeing tons and tons of statuses on Facebook talking about 2 and 3 day work week and people getting to spend Thursday with their families. At first I was sad especially at the short work week. I woke up Thursday and did not want to go to work, have never worked Thanksgiving in my life but I guess there is a first time for everything. Then I reminded myself that today is a day that we give thanks. So as I laid in bed that morning (trying to convince myself I must get up or I would be late) I thought about what I was truly thankful for this past year.....I am thankful that I have been given this amazing opportunity to do the thing that I love, I get to teach and it is even better because I have gotten the opportunity to do it half way around the world. So after I came to this realization I got up and got ready. That day at school it seemed like some of the students were a bit more energetic than usual but as a spent a majority of the day laughing or smiling, due to the silly things that my students do and say on a regular basis, I once again realized that working on Thanksgiving isn't that bad :) I ended my Thanksgiving with a Skype session with my family back home while I ate Subway. Then later that day I got to Skype with my best friend Jessica and her family. So even though the day was not a "traditional" Thanksgiving it was still a great day in its own unique way!

This week in school has been busy as I try to finish up a project I had been asked to work on, make my supplies list for term 2 and begin to work on end of the term reports. My goal for the week was to get everything finished so that I could do no school work this weekend. I almost achieved this goal but still have a few things to finish up later today. In other news I now have 3 animals in my classroom. Last week there was a lizard on my wall who I thought had disappeared but I was wrong. He decided to bring a friend so I now have 2 lizards that live in my classroom. they come out at times and scare me because it is usually when I am up in front of the class teaching and they decide to go running across the wall. I don't think I am scared of them but they tend to "catch me off guard". The other animals which I have yet to see but know it lives there due to my erasers being eaten and some food missing....I have come to the conclusion that I have a rat. My lesson for the week is to never say I want a class pet ever again!! When I said I wanted a class pet I was thinking fish, hamster, some like that not reptiles and rodents that come in through my window!!

This week was filled with lots of running around. My roommate and I decided a couple of months ago that we would have a traditional Thanksgiving meal and invite some of our close friends here in Dar to celebrate the day with us. So this week it was down to the wire I spent most evenings running around to different parts of Dar to get those last minute items to make the dinner a success. I learned that even though some of the things may not look the same or have the same name, they are quite similar to the items we would have bought in the states. On Friday I came home from school and started the preparations for the dinner. I typically would not have started this early but due to the random power cuts I had no choice. My first mission was this turkey weighing in at 6.4 kg (about 14 pounds). I had to make the stuffing first which took several trips back and forth to the neighbors (had to borrow an oven since we only have a double stove top burner). But finally the stuffing was prepped and ready. Next came stuffing the turkey......I am use to the extra parts being in a bag....nope they just put them back into the turkey so that was a bit disgusting but I managed to get all those parts out and the stuffing into the turkey! Next came finding a pan for the turkey....we had a bought a pan that we though would work perfectly but it did not fit into the had to go to plan B and I used a casserole dish that was a bit two small but I made it work. The other challenge was back home we use a brown paper bag to cook the turkey in but did not have access to one here in Dar so I had to use a roasting bag(which was two small) so had to combine 3 of them and then cover the top in aluminum foil. But finally at around 6.00 pm the turkey was in the oven. Now the waiting would need to cook for about 4.5 hours. This was the next challenge, I typically go to bed around 9.30 so staying up until 10.30 or 11 is quite difficult especially after a long and exhausting week. I took a few short nap but managed to stay up. I removed the turkey a little before 10.30. Then it came time to use the broth and make gravy. Mission accomplished for day 1 and the power managed to stay on the whole time the turkey was in the oven.

Day 2 began quite early. I got up around 6 and began to make two pies, pumpkin and apple. Just as I began the preparations the power cut. I thought for a minute on what to do. I decided to just keep making the pies with the hopes that the power would not be out too long. Good thing I did because just as I was preparing to finish the pumpkin pie, the power came back. I then was able to successfully cook both pies without the power cutting again. After finishing the pies and some other little preparations I decided it was time for a brief hour nap. Bad idea when it came time to get up I realized how exhausted I really was and did not want to get back out of bed. Over the next few hours I made the mashed potatoes, deviled eggs (which I realized this morning never made it to the table yesterday), green bean casserole, and warming up the turkey, stuffing and gravy. My roommate made the sweet potato casserole. Finally at around 2.00 pm all of the items made it to the table and the guest began to arrive.

We began dinner with going around and saying the different things that we are thankful for in our lives. For most of us it was our first year out of school so we were thankful for getting a job that related to our degree. Then it was time to eat. It was quite funny seeing the looks and listening to the questions as everyone filled their plates. There was a lot of "what is this" but our rule was you had to put a little of everything on your plate and give it a try! Everyone was a good sport and followed the rule :) For the most part everyone liked all of the food. Even though it was different, still good. Following dinner we just spent time talking and reminiscing about different things. It was fun to just sit back and relax!

Last night as I sat on the couch after everyone departed I had time to reflect on this past year. The year has been like a roller coaster ride with lots of ups and downs. If you would have asked me last year where I see myself in a year, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania would not have been my answer. Over the past 6 months things have changed. I graduated and took a chance. And 3 months ago I moved to a country I had never been to but had spent endless hours researching. I love my life here in Dar despite the random power cuts, water shortages, animals that have made my classroom their home, and traffic jams. But most of all I love my job and the people that I have met because of my job. I think it is always hard to move to a new place and start over. But I am truly blessed to have met the people I have over the past 3 months and couldn't have asked for better people to share my Thanksgiving traditions with! So needless to say my first Thanksgiving on my own and in another country was a complete success!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Powerless Week


Battery Powered Fan...Wonderful during power cuts!
Candle light has become a part of my everyday life...
As I stated in my last post we had had power for about two weeks without any cuts (at least when I was home...they may have still been occurring while I was at school)  so I was nervous as to what the week would gut feeling was right or maybe I just jinxed myself. This past week the power cuts have been terrible!!! No power Monday came back around 22.30 and was on until morning; Tuesday no power when we got home from school and was still out when we left for school Wednesday morning; Wednesday night it was on when we got home but cut around 23.00 and was still out Thursday morning when we left for school; Thursday it came back around 18.30 and we had it all night and it was still on when we left for school Friday morning; No power when we got home Friday morning but it came back around 23.30 and was on until 11 on Saturday morning and was in and out all day yesterday. I try to not get frustrated when the power goes out because I know that I can survive without it but it sure makes life a lot more comfortable when we do have it! I think my biggest frustration this week was when it was out during the night because then it messed with my sleep schedule....difficulty sleeping because of all of the noises outside of my window and waking up when the power cut or came back due to the noise changes...needless to say I have survived the week and I think part of the reason it was a bit easier was because I was at school during the day and thankfully we have generator there!!! The positive side of the power cuts is my roomie and I got to have some awesome talks, cooking by candle light and lots of reading time. The crazy thing about the power cuts is they usually occur with the less rain that we receive. Over the past few weeks it has rained... A LOT!! and there has been a lot of flooding so hopefully the power cuts will improve with all of the rain...

As I begin to prepare to go home in just 4 short weeks I think about how the transition is going to be a difficult one in ways. I am leaving a world that is so different than the world I was raised in but a world that has become my new home. The United States economy is having difficulties and I used to think it was terrible seeing the toll it was taken on people (and I still think this) but then I move to Tanzania and my eyes were opened a bit more. Yes things are rough back home in the states but things are much rougher here. Seeing people struggle on a daily basis can be quite difficult at times and I am not sure if it is something I will ever get use to. Living in Tanzania has changed me and my outlook on life. A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a friend and the question came up..."what are 5 things you can not live with out...." What a tough question to answer. As I thought about my answer I began to realize how my answer today would have been different from my answer 4 months ago. I realized that the things I can not live without are simply things. My response was : my water bottle, my cell phone or computer to communicate with people back home and here, music and headphones, my support system (family and friends), my faith in God....

I still remember the crazy looks and questions I got as I told me family and friends about the decision I had made to move to Tanzania for a teaching job. I know that some of my family and friends still think this. But on the day of my departure my mom handed me a letter that said a lot of things but there was one part that meant a lot, " I hope you understand that I only want what is best for you. You are a great daughter and even better person and because of that I know that you will go far and do big things in your life." With those 2 sentences I knew that my mom supported me and even though it was extremely hard to watch me walk away to get onto a plane that will take me half way across the world. She let me go. She let me follow my dreams even if it meant only getting to talk to me a couple of times a week and see me once or twice a year for the next few years. So I am following my dreams and couldn't be happier with the decision I have made. Some days are tough and I really miss my friends and family but I just remind myself of the amazing opportunity I have been given!

This weekend has been a very lazy one so far. After a very sleepless week and a stressful week between school and other things going on I have just wanted to do nothing but lounge around all weekend. Today I need to get some things finished for school and go to the market and grocery store but other than that I will be just relaxing.

In a couple of weeks we have a 3 day weekend so I am already looking forward to that and more than likely will be spending the day at the beach. And the week after that I will be heading home for my very short visit.....which is two weeks from the day I fly out of Dar to the day I return to Dar. Which is going to be spent flying to and from the States, flying to Texas for the weekend of Christmas and getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth cut out (which I am really beginning to get nervous about) so my trip home is going to be a whirlwind trip but luckily I will get to see a majority of my family and friends which is all that matters :)

Well I think that is all that I have to update on for now. I hope y'all will have a wonderful Sunday!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another Week Flies By....

Another week as quickly passed by. It was a short school week as we had Monday and Tuesday off due to Midterm break. My roommate and I took full advantage of this on Monday by heading to the island, Bongoyo. It was a much needed day of relaxation. Unfortunately I thought it would be a good idea to wait to put sunscreen on when I arrived on the island. I will just say that I have learned my lesson. My and the African sun do not quite get along and 30 minutes in the direct sunlight leads to a terrible sunburn on my face and back. From now on I will be putting sunscreen on before I depart from my apartment and reapplying it frequently throughout the day! Other than the sunburn it was a perfect day. The sun was warm, the water was fantastic and the skies were blue....not much more a person could ask for :) On the island you can do hiking and snorkeling....we did not do that this time but I plan on doing some snorkeling during my next trip to the island.

When it came time to return on Wednesday my alarm seemed to go off a bit to early or maybe it was just the fact that I was not ready to wake up at 5.15 again. It felt like the break was far too short especially since our next break is the holiday break. But I still managed to make it through the week which turned out to not be too bad as I am finally getting caught up with everything from being out sick a couple of weeks ago! This week will be a busy week as well as we have parent teacher conferences during the day. These will take place during my planning periods which means there will probably being a few late nights at school to get done what I typically get done during my planning periods. But then it will be the weekend again :) I am learning that during my weekends I am doing less and less around Dar because all I want to do is relax. Hopefully I will get back into a routine soon and start to venture out in Dar some more. think it is getting harder to be away from home the closer we get to the holidays. It does not even feel like November (I think because it is hot and not cold) As I see everyone making plans for getting together during Thanksgiving break it makes me a bit sad but then I remind myself that I will be home in about 5 weeks. And as most of you know  I am the count down queen so as it gets closer I will really begin the count down :) On a positive note my roommate and I have decided to make Thanksgiving dinner here in Dar. I am really excited to get to share our American and family traditions with some of our wonderful friends here in Dar! One of my awesome friend  has brought back some items from the States when he was back for a business trip that will be necessary to make the dinner a success and another friend has been working on getting a turkey for the dinner. It is great to have help from them to find the items that are not typically found here. We have decided to do the dinner on a Saturday afternoon since it takes so much time and preparation to make the dinner.....for some reason the schools here do not get Thanksgiving or the day after off....not quite sure why that is.....

Today I have also decided to start a bucket list after being inspired by some fellow friends who have created one. It has been fun thinking of the different goals and dreams that I want to achieve during my life. I think it also gives me something to really work towards during the upcoming years. Hopefully I will continue to add to the list over the years but also will get to cross many items off of the list :)

We also have been have quite good luck when it comes to power rations which makes me a bit nervous for the next week because there always seems to be a bad period after the good period but maybe this time it will be different! Over the past few days it has really been raining a lot which I don't quite care fore except for when I don't have to work and can lounge around or during the night time and I can sleep but I also know that the land and plants really need the rain lately so it is a good thing for that.

I hope everyone will have a wonderful Sunday!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time is flying by.....

Malaria test #1
The days continue to fly by...I have finally booked my ticket home for Christmas and will be back in NKY on December 16th. I am so ready to see my family and friends....Over the past couple of weeks I have really begun to miss home. I think part of this has to do with the fact that I was quite ill for over a week. In my last post I mentioned that I was not feeling well. It turned out that my ear infection got quite bad and I had to go back to the doctor 4 times and got 3 different sets of medicines before I began to improve. It was a long week and unfortunately I missed a whole week of school. I attempted to go back on Thursday but only lasted about 2 hours before I couldn't do it anymore. I am thankful that I finally got the right medicine and my fever finally stayed down for more than a few hours on Saturday which was a week after the first time I went to the doctor. They originally thought I had malaria but thankfully I did not!

Upon returning back to school I was so far behind. I had planned on getting a lot done the week that I was out but unfortunately I was not able to do anything except throw sub plans together during the week. It is amazing how much it takes to prepare when you are out. I did my best but still fell far behind. This meant that this past week was extra long. I stayed late most nights to get caught up and with the help of some others I managed to get a majority of it caught up and my big project of sending home portfolios was accomplished as well! It feels good to be caught up but as always there is work to be done. I am currently on mid term break which means I have a 4 day weekend!! I had originally planned on going to Zanzibar but with me being sick and behind I didn't think it would be good to be gone for 4 days. Instead my roomie and I have decided to spend tomorrow on Bongoyo Island which is an isolated island. So I am very much looking forward to a day of relaxation under the sun :)

As far as school goes I had a Halloween Party on Halloween in my classroom. It was fun to see the students in their costumes. They got creative and had a good time. We invited their parents to join us at the end of the day and it was good to see all of the parent involvement. Then on Friday we took our first class fieldtrip with the other grade 1. Our original plan was to go to a juice making company here in Dar to learn how they take fruit and make it into juice to tie in with our Science yet. After an hour long bus ride we arrive at the factory but received some bad news. The factory had no power and the generator was not working. Thankfully they offered for us to go to the ice cream making factory. So we got to see how the local company making different ice cream and ice lollies. It was really interesting and we got free ice cream at the end so a win win situation. Following the ice cream factory tour we got to see the juice factory. They explained how the juice is made but we just didn't get to see how the juice was made. And at the end we got free mango juice. So all in all it was a successful trip even though it was not what was previously planned. I must admit that the bus ride coming back was much quieter than going as most of the students were fast asleep!

Other than that the power rations continue. They are not as frequent as they were when I first arrived but are still occurring. Last Saturday and Sunday it went out at around 9am and came back on around 19.00 so that makes it kinda frustrating when there is no power for 10 hours but we learn to pass time but playing games, reading or going out for the day. I think I have adjusted well and now when the power goes out I just deal with it no use getting upset since we have no control. We have also been having some minor water shortage issues which I find to be a bit more frustrating than power outages but we have a stockpile of water and again just deal with it when it occurs :) It is also becoming progressively hotter here in Dar. It is weird to hear that back home it is cold and we are already getting frost when it is about 85-90 degrees here. So coming home for Christmas is going to be a huge shock for me....

I am still loving my washing machine and enjoy being able to once again out my laundry by loads instead of buckets full! And I love being able to just put laundry in push the start button and come back an hour or so later and it is clean! It is amazing the things that I took for granted back home. We finally have warm showers here and there because the water in the tank gets heated by the sun so its kinda like a natural water heater! 

I think that is all I have to update for now! I am making a goal to myself to update my blog at least weekly so look for another post in about a week :)

Hope everyone will have a great Sunday!