As I stated in my last post we had had power for about two weeks without any cuts (at least when I was home...they may have still been occurring while I was at school) so I was nervous as to what the week would gut feeling was right or maybe I just jinxed myself. This past week the power cuts have been terrible!!! No power Monday came back around 22.30 and was on until morning; Tuesday no power when we got home from school and was still out when we left for school Wednesday morning; Wednesday night it was on when we got home but cut around 23.00 and was still out Thursday morning when we left for school; Thursday it came back around 18.30 and we had it all night and it was still on when we left for school Friday morning; No power when we got home Friday morning but it came back around 23.30 and was on until 11 on Saturday morning and was in and out all day yesterday. I try to not get frustrated when the power goes out because I know that I can survive without it but it sure makes life a lot more comfortable when we do have it! I think my biggest frustration this week was when it was out during the night because then it messed with my sleep schedule....difficulty sleeping because of all of the noises outside of my window and waking up when the power cut or came back due to the noise changes...needless to say I have survived the week and I think part of the reason it was a bit easier was because I was at school during the day and thankfully we have generator there!!! The positive side of the power cuts is my roomie and I got to have some awesome talks, cooking by candle light and lots of reading time. The crazy thing about the power cuts is they usually occur with the less rain that we receive. Over the past few weeks it has rained... A LOT!! and there has been a lot of flooding so hopefully the power cuts will improve with all of the rain...
As I begin to prepare to go home in just 4 short weeks I think about how the transition is going to be a difficult one in ways. I am leaving a world that is so different than the world I was raised in but a world that has become my new home. The United States economy is having difficulties and I used to think it was terrible seeing the toll it was taken on people (and I still think this) but then I move to Tanzania and my eyes were opened a bit more. Yes things are rough back home in the states but things are much rougher here. Seeing people struggle on a daily basis can be quite difficult at times and I am not sure if it is something I will ever get use to. Living in Tanzania has changed me and my outlook on life. A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a friend and the question came up..."what are 5 things you can not live with out...." What a tough question to answer. As I thought about my answer I began to realize how my answer today would have been different from my answer 4 months ago. I realized that the things I can not live without are simply things. My response was : my water bottle, my cell phone or computer to communicate with people back home and here, music and headphones, my support system (family and friends), my faith in God....
I still remember the crazy looks and questions I got as I told me family and friends about the decision I had made to move to Tanzania for a teaching job. I know that some of my family and friends still think this. But on the day of my departure my mom handed me a letter that said a lot of things but there was one part that meant a lot, " I hope you understand that I only want what is best for you. You are a great daughter and even better person and because of that I know that you will go far and do big things in your life." With those 2 sentences I knew that my mom supported me and even though it was extremely hard to watch me walk away to get onto a plane that will take me half way across the world. She let me go. She let me follow my dreams even if it meant only getting to talk to me a couple of times a week and see me once or twice a year for the next few years. So I am following my dreams and couldn't be happier with the decision I have made. Some days are tough and I really miss my friends and family but I just remind myself of the amazing opportunity I have been given!
This weekend has been a very lazy one so far. After a very sleepless week and a stressful week between school and other things going on I have just wanted to do nothing but lounge around all weekend. Today I need to get some things finished for school and go to the market and grocery store but other than that I will be just relaxing.
In a couple of weeks we have a 3 day weekend so I am already looking forward to that and more than likely will be spending the day at the beach. And the week after that I will be heading home for my very short visit.....which is two weeks from the day I fly out of Dar to the day I return to Dar. Which is going to be spent flying to and from the States, flying to Texas for the weekend of Christmas and getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth cut out (which I am really beginning to get nervous about) so my trip home is going to be a whirlwind trip but luckily I will get to see a majority of my family and friends which is all that matters :)
Well I think that is all that I have to update on for now. I hope y'all will have a wonderful Sunday!
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Battery Powered Fan...Wonderful during power cuts! |
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Candle light has become a part of my everyday life... |
As I begin to prepare to go home in just 4 short weeks I think about how the transition is going to be a difficult one in ways. I am leaving a world that is so different than the world I was raised in but a world that has become my new home. The United States economy is having difficulties and I used to think it was terrible seeing the toll it was taken on people (and I still think this) but then I move to Tanzania and my eyes were opened a bit more. Yes things are rough back home in the states but things are much rougher here. Seeing people struggle on a daily basis can be quite difficult at times and I am not sure if it is something I will ever get use to. Living in Tanzania has changed me and my outlook on life. A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a friend and the question came up..."what are 5 things you can not live with out...." What a tough question to answer. As I thought about my answer I began to realize how my answer today would have been different from my answer 4 months ago. I realized that the things I can not live without are simply things. My response was : my water bottle, my cell phone or computer to communicate with people back home and here, music and headphones, my support system (family and friends), my faith in God....
I still remember the crazy looks and questions I got as I told me family and friends about the decision I had made to move to Tanzania for a teaching job. I know that some of my family and friends still think this. But on the day of my departure my mom handed me a letter that said a lot of things but there was one part that meant a lot, " I hope you understand that I only want what is best for you. You are a great daughter and even better person and because of that I know that you will go far and do big things in your life." With those 2 sentences I knew that my mom supported me and even though it was extremely hard to watch me walk away to get onto a plane that will take me half way across the world. She let me go. She let me follow my dreams even if it meant only getting to talk to me a couple of times a week and see me once or twice a year for the next few years. So I am following my dreams and couldn't be happier with the decision I have made. Some days are tough and I really miss my friends and family but I just remind myself of the amazing opportunity I have been given!
This weekend has been a very lazy one so far. After a very sleepless week and a stressful week between school and other things going on I have just wanted to do nothing but lounge around all weekend. Today I need to get some things finished for school and go to the market and grocery store but other than that I will be just relaxing.
In a couple of weeks we have a 3 day weekend so I am already looking forward to that and more than likely will be spending the day at the beach. And the week after that I will be heading home for my very short visit.....which is two weeks from the day I fly out of Dar to the day I return to Dar. Which is going to be spent flying to and from the States, flying to Texas for the weekend of Christmas and getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth cut out (which I am really beginning to get nervous about) so my trip home is going to be a whirlwind trip but luckily I will get to see a majority of my family and friends which is all that matters :)
Well I think that is all that I have to update on for now. I hope y'all will have a wonderful Sunday!
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