The last few weeks have been filled with end of term report writing, last minute errands and getting portfolios reading. I stayed quite busy which made the days fly by even more quickly. I had a few days where I was out with strep throat but once the antibiotics kicked in a I had very quick recovery. The days keep getting hotter and hotter. Power rations have been far and few between but water shortages have been becoming more frequent. I just kept telling myself that I will be home for a couple of weeks soon and will get to enjoy the many luxuries .... I think it helped get me through the last few weeks.
When I left a short 4 months ago, I was not sure how the time would pass by. Needless to say the days, weeks and months have flown by. When this past week began it was hard to believe that on Thursday I would be boarding an airplane and flying home for the holidays. The week flew by even though I kept telling myself I had pleanty of time to get things done prior to my departure but then it was Wednesday and I still had a ton of things to do. Of course I did last minute packing as always. Thursday I left with two very light bags and my carry-ons. As I was heading to the door my roommate says, "Do you have everything?" I said ya I think so....then she holds of my Iphone....oops guess I forgot something.
I left for the airport expecting there to be lots of traffic but there was not much traffic at all and it only took around an hour to arrive at the airport. Upon arrival I was told that check-in for my flight was not until 9 pm...weird that you cannot check in earlier than 2.5 hours before depart. Then I made it smoothly thourgh check in, passport control and security. I still had lots of time to kill so I spent some time talking on the phone and some time surfing the web. Then it was time to board my first of 3 flights. My flight departed around 11.45 so I was fighting sleep at that point. I managed to stay up for a few hours and watch a movie. Then it was off to sleep and I slept until almost landing time. We landed in Amsterdam around 7 am. As soon as I walked off the airplane, I felt the cold air. I think it felt much colder due to the heat that I was coming from. My first stop there as Starbucks!! I was great to finally have my favorite drink in hand and warm up a bit. I had a 3 or so hour layover which was nice, gave me some time to catch up on emails and such.
I departed Amsterdam around 11 am. This time I was asleep before the plane even took off. It was good to finally catch up on some much needed sleep. Upon arriving in Minneapolis, it was still cold and it took forever to get through passport control and customs but it helped the layover not seem as bad. My last flight, though only 2 hours, was terrible!!! I had two very loud and oppionated men seated behind me. All I could think was please let this flight get in the air quickly so I can put on my headphones on and drowned out these idiots! The person next to me was like, "Where is the mute button." Needless to say it was a very long two hours and even my headphones could not cover up their voice levels! But it was all made better upon landing. As I walked into the Welcome area I say a little girl paitently waiting. Then as soon as she was sure it was me she ran full force and went straight into my arms. I got a nice big kiss and a I missed you so much and I love mom and best friend were also there with a "Welcome Home Stacey" doesn't get much better than that!!
I got home around 8 and stayed up for a bit but my bed was calling my name. It felt good to actually get some good sleep. Jet lag is in full swing and I was awake for a couple of hours in the night and up for good at 7.30. Yesterday afternoon I got some retail therapy in as well as getting to eat some of the foods I had missed! Followed by a night of laughter and catching up. Today I will do some more shopping, go to the movies, visit some more friends and eat some more food!
Tomorrow is the big day. I finally am getting all 4 wisdom teeth out. I am getting a bit nervous but looking forward to finally get the pesky things out!! Hopefully will have a quick recovery before I am off to Texas next weekend for Christmas!
I think that is all of the updates for now! Look forward to another one later this week after I am feeling better. Hope everyone will have a wonderful Sunday and Happy Holidays!!!!
When I left a short 4 months ago, I was not sure how the time would pass by. Needless to say the days, weeks and months have flown by. When this past week began it was hard to believe that on Thursday I would be boarding an airplane and flying home for the holidays. The week flew by even though I kept telling myself I had pleanty of time to get things done prior to my departure but then it was Wednesday and I still had a ton of things to do. Of course I did last minute packing as always. Thursday I left with two very light bags and my carry-ons. As I was heading to the door my roommate says, "Do you have everything?" I said ya I think so....then she holds of my Iphone....oops guess I forgot something.
I left for the airport expecting there to be lots of traffic but there was not much traffic at all and it only took around an hour to arrive at the airport. Upon arrival I was told that check-in for my flight was not until 9 pm...weird that you cannot check in earlier than 2.5 hours before depart. Then I made it smoothly thourgh check in, passport control and security. I still had lots of time to kill so I spent some time talking on the phone and some time surfing the web. Then it was time to board my first of 3 flights. My flight departed around 11.45 so I was fighting sleep at that point. I managed to stay up for a few hours and watch a movie. Then it was off to sleep and I slept until almost landing time. We landed in Amsterdam around 7 am. As soon as I walked off the airplane, I felt the cold air. I think it felt much colder due to the heat that I was coming from. My first stop there as Starbucks!! I was great to finally have my favorite drink in hand and warm up a bit. I had a 3 or so hour layover which was nice, gave me some time to catch up on emails and such.

Tomorrow is the big day. I finally am getting all 4 wisdom teeth out. I am getting a bit nervous but looking forward to finally get the pesky things out!! Hopefully will have a quick recovery before I am off to Texas next weekend for Christmas!
I think that is all of the updates for now! Look forward to another one later this week after I am feeling better. Hope everyone will have a wonderful Sunday and Happy Holidays!!!!
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